Sewer Districts

The Town of Carmel administers eight (8) sewer districts throughout the Town of Carmel as follows:

  1. Carmel Sewer District (CSD)  #1 - Hamlet of Mahopac
  2. CSD #2 - Hamlet of Carmel
  3. CSD # 3 - Hamlet of Mahopac
  4. CSD #4 - Lake Secor
  5. CSD #5 - Hillsdale
  6. CSD #6 - Ivy Hills
  7. CSD #7 - Buckshollow
  8. CSD #8 - Stoneleigh Ave., Putnam Hospital

These districts are operated under contract by Inframark LLC.,  The contact person is Tom Brann at (845) 228-0460.

This phone number is a 24 hour number that can be used to report emergencies.  Also, the Town Police may be called in an emergency at 628-1300.

For questions, complaints, or concerns regarding any sewer system,  you may call the Town Engineer's office at 628-1500 or 628-2087 during normal working hours, 8:30 A.M. to 4:30 P.M. Monday through Friday.